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Guinness in Ireland

And We're Off!

The Night Before

I'm a night owl, so I wanted to prepare for jet lag before we left because I didn’t want to waste any of our precious time being sleepy! Now all of the places we were going were seven hours ahead of me, that means that when it was midnight here it was seven in the morning in Paris, and when it is midnight in Paris it is five in the afternoon here. I tried to switch up my sleeping scheudule about a week ahead of time. Then the night before we left, I fell asleep at ten.

We then caught a bus to O’Hare and our flight was at four. I’m pretty good at getting through security, I don’t wear clothes with metal, I take off my jacket and shoes before I get in line, and I try to look really sweet and innocent.We hung out at O’Hare for a long time, luckily it has a pretty nice international terminal.

I let myself start napping at one (20:00 in Paris) and then planned to sleep as much as possible on the flight. Getting on the plane was a little crazy, I’ve never been on one with that many people, and I can attest that they do not follow row order or know how a line looks, it’s basically just a giant mob of grumpy people

We had a layover in Dublin which lasted just long enough for a beer. We arrived in Charles De Gaulle around 10:00 and while I was not feeling amazing, I was much better off than the rest of my family (who didn’t prepare for jet lag at all…). The airport was kinda confusing but getting through customs was nice and easy. From the airport we took a cab to our hotel.


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